Adult Volunteer in Orange County!

Science is fun for all ages!  Become part of our adult volunteer team at the Cube!  It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started college or are heading for retirement… if you have just a few hours during the week or on the weekends to educate and inspire, then join our team!   A formal teaching background is not required - we are looking for folks who are friendly, love to learn, and are passionate about science and giving back to their community.

We have a variety of fun and engaging new volunteer positions now open to adults (over the age of 18) including:

Exhibit Host – The Exhibit Host Volunteers engage guests at some of our most interactive exhibits, answer guest questions about the exhibit and the Center, ensure guest safety at the exhibit, and conduct basic troubleshooting of equipment.

Sea Lab Volunteer – Sea Lab Volunteers engage with guests at our coastal tidepool touch tank and the shark and ray tank.  Volunteers will provide instruction to guests on safely interacting with aquatic life in both tanks and will actively engage in conversation with guests on the natural history of invertebrates (such as sea stars, sea urchins and snails) as well as sharks and rays.

Team Spark -Team Spark Volunteers present hands-on tabletop activities in an engaging manner to Discovery Cube OC guests.

Join us in educating and inspiring young minds here in Orange County! Complete a Volunteer Application today!

What our Adult Volunteers are saying:

“When I began volunteering at the Cube, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I knew that I wanted to do some kind of public science outreach activity and that I wanted to interact with children.  Fast forward a few months and here I am having learned all the astronomy I know for Planetary Research Station, recalled all my high school chemistry for Team Spark, and become far more knowledgeable about environmentally-conscious shopping and disease vectors!”

– Adam

“I became a volunteer at the Cube because I wanted to interact with the public in a way that allows me to give back by donating my time. In doing so, I’m also able to expand my resume. The most valuable part of my service has been inspiring youth to show interest in STEM through learning in a way that’s fun. ”

– Olivia

“When you walk around the Cube, it’s filled with visitors and plenty of kids on field trips. Every now and then, when a guest will ask me follow up questions about an exhibit or ask to race me in the Physics Lab, I am reminded of the joys of youth and youth’s curiosity – that is beautiful to me.”

– Lance

“I love volunteering at the Cube because I get to interact with and inspire learners of all ages to explore cool science concepts and hone my teaching skills in finding different ways to explain a concept. “

– Remy

“I enjoy learning from the staff about science, getting to see the different exhibits about different topics like sea life or vermicomposting, getting to talk about science with people. The most valuable aspect of my volunteer service was meeting the other volunteers from different backgrounds and being a part of something bigger than I could have ever imagined. “

– David

“One of the things that I enjoy most about volunteering is seeing guests excited at exhibits because it reinforces my opinion of how learning science is cool and fascinating; I love how the Cube makes learning science easy, interactive, and accessible to all ages. Secondly, I enjoy learning new scientific facts at exhibits and sharing them with guests. Thirdly, I love the Volunteer Department because it is full of kind and easy-going people who all have a passion for STEM; I always meet someone new each shift. ”

– Samantha

Things to Consider

There are a few things you should know before you start the application process to join Discovery Cube’s volunteer team:

  • Complete our online application and send us your resume. Once we receive your resume, we’ll reach out to schedule an interview.
  • All volunteers are required to complete a 2-hour Volunteer Orientation as well as position specific training sessions (time commitment varies, depending on the position)
  • We ask our Adult Volunteers to complete at least two 2-4 hour shifts every 30 days
  • Adult volunteers must complete a background check

Volunteer Application Process

If you are ready to begin your journey to becoming a Discovery Cube volunteer, you can start the application process now!

Step 1. Fill out our easy online application: Link to Adult Application

Step 2. Tell us how amazing you are! In addition to the application, our adult volunteer applicants are required to submit a resume in order to secure an interview.  Please e-mail your resume to:

Step 3. You’re almost there! We would like to meet you in person! Once your online application is completed and we receive your resume, we will reach out to you to schedule an interview.

Step 4. This is it! During your interview, in addition to us learning about you, you will also find out about our organization, what our volunteers do, and what our expectations are. This is also a good time to ask any questions that you might have.

Questions? Visit our Volunteering FAQ to learn more.

If you have any questions during the application process, please feel free to email us: or call us at 714-913-5028